Page of Russian funny chronicles.
We have got only scanty information about Russian funny chronicles. Toys of short-lived materials are lost forever. And only clay toys are remained. What are these toys? These are some people’s figures, different whistles: birds, horses and sheep. But not only clay funny toys were popular in those old times. People also made wooden toys for their children. But such archeological finds are very rare. And only folk toys of XIX – XX century appear before us in all variety. Later many new toys were made from different materials. Glance at the toys of some northern carpenters! In some accurate chops the wooden bloc changes into a toy - horse or a toy-doll "panka”. Many years wooden toys served kids in their games. And as before our children make boats and ships from bark, wooden chips and launch them in spring streams. Children like to make different whistles in our days too. So Russian funny chronicles open new and new pages before us.